Winter Carnival (ZMP Support)

Start: 2025-02-02T00:00:00Z
End: 2025-02-02T04:00:00Z

Typically the coldest part of winter for the MSP area, but we still know how to have fun when it's cold! Join us in celebrating the St. Paul Winter Carnival, the 139-year legend of King Boreas struggle to keep winter fun going despite Vulcanus Rex's fight to keep warm weather around as long as he can! Enjoy full staffing featuring MSP and STP, as well as ZMP's friendly, professional air traffic control services.

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Enroute Positions

  • DEN_17_CTR - Blake Roberts (BR)
  • DEN_25_CTR - Casey Phillips (CP)

TRACON Positions

  • DEN_I_APP - Brandon Wening (BW)

Local Positions

  • DEN_GND - Jeffrey Davenport (JE)
  • DEN_TWR - Matt Boulanger (MC)

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