Edward Meisburger - EM


CID: 1063984
Rating: S3
Type: Home
Joined: 2021-07-01T04:07:41Z


Cert Status
GC T2 EGE Certified
GC T2 ASE Certified
GC T1 Certified
LC T2 EGE Certified
LC T2 ASE Certified
LC T1 Certified
APP T2 GJT Certified
APP T2 ASE Certified
APP T1 Certified
ENR T2 None

Edit roles

These are roles on this site and do not change anything that VATUSA, etc. know about the controller.

Sr Staff roles will sync from VATUSA, which may overwrite whatever is set here.

Change OIs

To remove OIs, just save with an empty input.

Set certifications

Current solo certs

No current solo certs

Add a new solo cert

You should report this to VATUSA if it's a student getting a solo for a position they don't have the rating for, like an S1 getting a solo Tower cert.

New staff note

New training record

Remove controller from roster

Upon submission, this will remove the controller from the roster, visiting or home.

This site is not affiliated with the Federal Aviation Administration, actual Denver ARTCC, or any real-world governing aviation body.
All content herein is solely for use on the VATSIM network. Privacy policy. Changelog. FOSS.